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If you’re considering whether to purchase a traditional alarm clock or whether to rely on your smartphone, in order to wake you up each morning, continue reading to discover 5 reasons why you should opt for a reliable alarm clock over a smartphone alarm and how doing so can make you more successful and productive with your day. 5 Reasons why you should use a traditional alarm clock over a smartphone alarm clock: Your smartphone may run out of battery During the early hours of the morning you currently use

If you’re a self-confessed foodie and find that your jaw automatically drops when you see individual’s creative pieces of food art, it’s well worth experimenting with your own pieces of food art. If you’re on the hunt for a bit of inspiration, simply continue reading for a simple guide on how to make food art. How to make food art: Heart shaped watermelon pieces Simply use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut heart shaped pieces out of a slice of watermelon. Choose to serve your heart-shaped watermelon pieces in a

Politicians may be incredibly good at what they do, they won’t be able to get anywhere unless the people support them. Nenadi Usman understands that this is down to not just talking the talk and saying all the right things, but getting people to believe that you will actually do things to benefit them. It is vital to understand how support among the people is built for anyone who wants to take on a position in public office. In Nigeria, there are some cultural struggles to overcome as well, relating

All summer, there are talks of what is wrong with college football. Some go so far as calling the NCAA divisions a farce. They say that major universities pay their players instead of focusing on their education, meaning that students who want to learn do not have a chance of getting an education. Yet, Division I football has not been harmed by any of these allegations, not even when they have been proven to be true. This is something that Jack Elway has been researching. Jack Elway on What Makes

If you want to be a leader of any kind, one of the key ingredients you will need is your ability to inspire others. For some people this is a trait which comes very easily to them and one that they don’t need to work very hard on, for others however, this is not the case and they must work extremely hard on honing their skills, in order to inspire those around them. The best way of learning how to inspire people, is to watch how others do it and

Writing Tips That Will Help You to Improve Dramatically An ability to write great stories is a gift that is handed to us before we are born. But it must be honed and sharpened in order for someone to become successful like Orlando Figes who makes a great living selling his writing to waiting audiences. Every writer must learn the process for writing and for telling stories within the format that audiences are looking for. This learning process must include all of the necessary important actions that need to be

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