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You may have heard that it’s possible to purchase Bitcoin tax-free if you place your Bitcoin in an IRA account. If you’re curious IRA stands for individual retirement account and is an opportunity offered by the government in order to encourage individuals to take initiative in regards to their retirement. If you’re interested in discovering tips on investing Bitcoin in IRA, continue reading.   Tips on investing Bitcoin in IRA accounts:   1. Think carefully before investing money in Bitcoin, which is marked for your IRA account   While there

Little over twenty years ago, few people had even heard of the term GPS. It was a completely new technology – and nobody could have anticipated the growth that it has experienced. To say that it is now a mainstay across everyday life would be a gross understatement. It’s something that is used in countless ways of life, and today’s post is going to look at just what areas the typical GPS tracking device is most prevalent in. Following on from the above, let’s take a look at some of

It’s one of those “fashionable” hobbies; even more so now that it is so open to everyone courtesy of the modern smartphone. However, few would disagree that there is a big difference between good and great photographs – and this is where today’s guide steps into play. In truth, it could take years to truly master the art of photography. At the same time, you can still make very good photo albums with some nifty tricks, which is what we’re about to cover. Bearing this in mind, here are some

If you’re considering whether to purchase a traditional alarm clock or whether to rely on your smartphone, in order to wake you up each morning, continue reading to discover 5 reasons why you should opt for a reliable alarm clock over a smartphone alarm and how doing so can make you more successful and productive with your day. 5 Reasons why you should use a traditional alarm clock over a smartphone alarm clock: Your smartphone may run out of battery During the early hours of the morning you currently use

If you’re a self-confessed foodie and find that your jaw automatically drops when you see individual’s creative pieces of food art, it’s well worth experimenting with your own pieces of food art. If you’re on the hunt for a bit of inspiration, simply continue reading for a simple guide on how to make food art. How to make food art: Heart shaped watermelon pieces Simply use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut heart shaped pieces out of a slice of watermelon. Choose to serve your heart-shaped watermelon pieces in a

Politicians may be incredibly good at what they do, they won’t be able to get anywhere unless the people support them. Nenadi Usman understands that this is down to not just talking the talk and saying all the right things, but getting people to believe that you will actually do things to benefit them. It is vital to understand how support among the people is built for anyone who wants to take on a position in public office. In Nigeria, there are some cultural struggles to overcome as well, relating

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