3 Tips For Preparing Your Eyes For Winter Weather

3 tips for preparing your eyes for winter weather

3 tips for preparing your eyes for winter weather

As the summer turns to fall and the fall gives way to winter, there are more things that have to change than just the clothes you’re able to wear outside.

Big differences in temperature and overall weather patterns can wreak havoc with your body, especially in sensitive areas like your skin and eyes. So to help ensure that you’re able to stay comfortable regardless of how cold or dry your winter season will get, here are 3 tips for preparing your eyes for winter weather.

Moisture Is Key

Because the weather in the summer and the weather in the winter differ so drastically in many places, it’s important to know how the care for your eyes should change from the summer to the winter as well.

According to Ashley Williams, a contributor to AccuWeather.com, many places experience very dry air in the winter months, which can make your eyes very uncomfortable, especially if you wear contacts on a regular basis. To combat this, it’s wise to try to keep your eyes as moist as you possibly can. This can be done through using artificial tears, keeping your body hydrated by drinking a lot of water, and by using a humidifier in your home.

As far as lifestyle changes, you can also try to simply blink more during the winter months to help keep your eyes moist, but you may not be able to keep up with this habit as much as is necessary without just annoying yourself.

Keep Sunglasses Close By

While many people associate the summer months with the sun, winter sun can be just as harmful to your eyes if you’re not careful. Especially if you live in an area that gets a lot of snow but also has clear skies, the light bouncing off the snow and into your eyes can be very dangerous for your vision.

Because of this, Margaret Voelzke, a contributor to NBC Washington, advises that you continue to wear your sunglasses when spending time outside during the winter months. This will help to protect your eyes not only from the direct light of the sun, but also from any glare that comes off the rain or snow that might be impacting your area. Online stores such as https://humpsoptics.com/ offer stylish and durable designer sunnies at a good price.

Embrace Warm Compresses At Night

During the day, there’s not a lot that you can do as far as giving your eyes a break and letting them rest from the stresses of your day. But once you’re ready to lay down for the night, there are some things you can do to help your eyes recover from all they had to deal with earlier on.

According to Melanie Pinola, a contributor to LifeHacker.com, one of the best things you can do is to use a warm compress on your eyes at night. This heat and moisture can help to increase tear secretion during the day, which will help your eyes stay moist and fight off anything that tries to wear them out.

For a season of comfortable and healthy eyes, don’t forget to apply these 3 tips for preparing your eyes for winter weather.

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