3 Tips For Creating More Storage Space Within Your Home

3 tips for creating more storage space within your home

When you’re looking for a new home, it’s helpful to think not only about your current needs but how your needs could change in the foreseeable future. For most people, this includes getting enough storage space for what you already have in addition to items that you’re likely to acquire later on, especially as you begin sharing your home and your life with other people.

3 tips for creating more storage space within your home

So if you’re beginning to think that your home just doesn’t have the storage space you’re needing, here are 3 tips for creating more storage space within your home:

1. Make Room Within Your Walls

If you’ve already tapped out all your closets and shelves, it might be time to start thinking more creatively about bringing in more storage space. One option you might want to look into, especially if you own your home and aren’t opposed to some home improvement projects, is to create more storage space within the structure of your home.

According to Isadora Baum, a contributor to Bustle.com, this can be done by carving out space within your walls to install a smaller closet or additional shelving unit. While you’ll likely need to hire help with this and find someone to take on a carpentry project, this could help you use all the space available within the walls of your home.

2. Store Things Vertically

For most people, it’s more natural to think about adding to your home in a horizontal way rather than a vertical way. But when it comes to home storage, it can be very helpful to take advantage of the vertical space that you might be neglecting.

According to Elizabeth Larkin, a contributor to The Spruce, vertical storage includes not only shelving units and other stackable storage options, but also using any available space in your attic, basement, or crawl space. As long as you’re storing the right things in the right places and within the right type of containers, there should be no issues using these spaces for storage.

3. Keep Things Hidden

When you’ve got no room left to bring in additional storage space without feeling like you’re cluttering up your home, it’s time to start thinking about how you can use hidden space to your storage advantage.

According to Ronique Gibson, a contributor to Freshome.com, you should try using things like large, open ottomans, storage benches for seating, and flat boxes under beds to store additional items. Because these storage areas are often hidden already, it won’t matter if you’re storing things in there, as no one will ever see those spaces unless you show them.

3 tips for creating more storage space within your home – Use the tips mentioned above to expand your storage options and optimize your living space.

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