Writing Tips That Will Help You to Improve Dramatically

writing tips

Writing Tips That Will Help You to Improve Dramatically

An ability to write great stories is a gift that is handed to us before we are born. But it must be honed and sharpened in order for someone to become successful like Orlando Figes who makes a great living selling his writing to waiting audiences.

writing tips

Every writer must learn the process for writing and for telling stories within the format that audiences are looking for. This learning process must include all of the necessary important actions that need to be taken and a plan to get them done.

However there is discipline required that professional writers use in order to get to and through the process. To help you gain some of that discipline here are some professional writing tips.

Work Within a Traditional Story Structure

Structure sits at the heart of all great storytelling. It is actually how you will tell your story and take readers on your specific journey. Different types of books may have different structures and the great writers experiment all the time changing and stretching traditional structures, but before one can do that you need to maser the basics. Let’s assume you are writing fiction, traditionally you might use a three act structure with includes a first act that introduces al of the important characters, the world they are in and highlights their mission and its challenges. In essence this is your main story of your book. The second act would take out characters through their journey and we see them grow and change as they make their way through their challenges. In the third act, our characters complete their journey and there is a resolution to the story we have been writing. These structure contains many elements designed to create and keep the interest of readers and is based on a tried and true formula for success.

Do Thorough Research on Your Subject Matter

Good writing requires thorough research on the subjects relevant to your book. You must become an expert on what you are writing about and be able to converse about it in a way that you can answer all questions about the topic. Writers enjoy this process and go to extremes to become the most knowledgeable about their focus topics.

Make Quality Time to Write

Writing requires quiet and focus. Great writers create an environment that is conducive to their writing. They set aside the required time and make sure there are no distractions. They create a special places or places where they know they can be creative and make sure these places are available when they need. And further, they never make excuses for not getting to their writing. They know that in the end, their writing is the most important thing they could be doing so they always put it first. With all of today’s distractions, this part might be the most difficult, but a great writer will make it happen.

Like anything special becoming a great writer takes time dedication and patience. Give all three and you will see your writing improve dramatically.

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