8 Hot Trends in Architecture with Eugene Bernshtam

There are many trends in architecture in different countries, in different cities, and different architectural bureaus. We reached out to architect Eugene Bernshtam to tell you about the most interesting trends present in most of them during this year.

Let’s name these trends briefly:

1) “Green” Buildings

More and more environmentally friendly buildings are built, and this trend will only increase. An environmentally friendly building should be CO2 neutral, and it requires not only solar panels and energy-efficient design but also its construction process. In many countries, using recycled materials is already a law for certain types of buildings.

2) Sustainable Development

The concept of sustainable development simply means that the developer has to consider the future when constructing or reconstructing an area. For example, it is important to think about how the building would look like in 10 years but also who will live in this building and if they will be able to manage the change of its appearance (i.e., when a façade needs renovation). The sustainable development concept should also include the creation of infrastructure around it.

3) Abstract Architecture

In general, architecture abstracts from reality and from what surrounds it. This approach allows architects to create a kind of symbolism out of their designs. Abstract architecture is often caused by modern technologies, as well as the desire to be “different.” Geometric shapes and patterns now form a separate trend in architecture which will only increase its popularity.

4) “Instant” Architecture

Large buildings were built by professional construction teams in the past, but now they can be built as quickly as mobile houses. In most cases, this is due to relatively cheap modern technologies and means of production. As a result, in some cases, huge buildings can be built by just a few people in just one month.

5) Customized Architecture

The desire to customize architecture is also due to modern technologies and production processes. Now it is possible to customize any elements of an object (for example, furniture or building), which increases its price but allows for more diversity in the market.

6) Interactive Architecture

This trend is caused by a desire to go outside and interact with people on the street, as well as technologies that allow you to do anything from anywhere. In other words, this approach requires various sensors that will “read” certain events around them and then respond to them using a set of programmed actions. Buildings that can adjust to their environment or people inside them are the future.

7) Urban Farming

In densely populated areas, there is a desire to grow plants within buildings, and this trend should increase during the next years. The main reason for this is a lack of land in specific areas and other reasons, like concern for fresh vegetables.

8) Smart Technology

We recently started noticing almost everywhere; new technologies are being introduced that will have an encouraging effect on architecture development. The use of smart technology should be the status quo in all things designed by human hands. Not only will it decrease labor costs, but it will also increase convenience and aesthetics.

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