Is SEO Still Worth It in 2020 and Beyond? Nimrod Santo Shares His Insights

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While most online entrepreneurs are familiar with SEO, some people know just how it works and how an entrepreneur can use it to drive traffic to their sites or landing pages. Today, we had a very insightful interview about SEO with digital marketing expert and a well-respected direct-response marketer, Nimrod Santo.

Nimrod Santo, it’s a pleasure having you here. Is SEO still worth it today?

Nimrod: SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization. People go to the internet to find answers and fulfill their needs and desires. If you need anything, you will probably Google it.

People are always online, looking for answers to a host of questions. In turn, search engine companies like Google had to create algorithms that would determine the best pages, posts, and videos that would give the best answer to a question.

For example, if you’ll search for the ‘how to create a landing page’ on Google, you will automatically be redirected to the most significant search results like website tutorials or free and paid landing page software. Search engine optimization is the art of understanding how search engine algorithms choose web pages and posts.

With SEO, you can write and structure your web posts in a way that will make search engines place it at the top rank. There are many aspects of SEO in 2020, and an online entrepreneur should understand each element’s intricacies if he wants to ever to build an online presence.

It is essential to note that SEO does not only apply to traditional search engines; it applies to every single activity we perform online—like social media.

A person sitting in a car Description automatically generatedDo all search engines work with the same principles?

Nimrod: Search engines do not work with the same principles; however, you can always spot a few similarities between one search engine and another. Let’s take social media.

Instagram’s visibility is quite different from Twitter’s. You may ask yourself, ‘why do some videos naturally get more likes?’

Every search engine platform has its parameters. For example, suppose an answer on Quora starts gaining traffic. In that case, Quora will suggest the answer you gave to many other users, exposing your profile to a fair amount of organic traffic.

Can Anyone Learn Search Engine Optimization?

Nimrod: Search engines work on complicated algorithms; however, the process can be simplified, but only to an extent. SEO terms include meta tags, meta title, keyword, key phrase, keyword density, additional keywords, algorithms, and many more.

Some people dedicate time and effort to understanding how the search engine works. These people are SEO experts. Not everyone can become an SEO expert—since the skill requires a high level of analytical abilities. If you are thinking about a career in digital marketing, SEO is important

Can SEO Become Irrelevant in the Future?

A worldwide web without SEO is unfathomable and ridiculous. Of course, parameters for algorithms change over time. Some of the rules that guided SEO about a decade ago do not apply today.

Some of the parameters that help web posts rank today may become irrelevant tomorrow; however, the concept of SEO becoming irrelevant is almost impossible.

Do I have to Learn SEO if I Want to Succeed as an Online Entrepreneur?

In order to build a recognizable brand, entrepreneurs need to understand the importance of having an online presence. Globalization has made it easier for brands to reach people who are continents away.

There are sales and marketing tools available for everyone to use. And with the ease comes extreme competition.

Whatever services or products you offer, there are brands out there that do the same, and these brands target the people you also target. Therefore, it is essential that all businesses have an online presence, and an online presence cannot be established without a firm understanding of SEO.

The good news is that we live in a gig economy, and there are people you can always hire to help you drive traffic and sales to your website. It is, however, vital for you to have, at least, a basic understanding of how it all works.



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