11 Tips to Create a Successful Facebook Marketing Plan

It would be easy to say that there are so many people on Facebook right now that almost everyone can be found on Facebook. More than 50% of people say that they check their Facebook every day. There are a lot of people who may put their attention on Facebook but it also cannot be denied that there are so many things that can be seen on Facebook that some things will go unnoticed.

Marketers should always make an effort to look into how they can market their brand and the products that they have so that they will get noticed by their target market. Do you realize that even the smallest details will make a huge difference?

This isn’t true with just Facebook and getting new fans for your page, it’s also true with Instagram followers as well. The more fans and followers you can get across multiple platforms, the better off you will be in the long run.

How to Create a Winning Facebook Fan Page

Get to know some of the tips that will allow you to create the right Facebook marketing plan to market your business well.

Think about the right profile picture to use.

If you would like to market your product or your brand, you need to come up with the right profile picture that will truly make people look and check what you can offer. When people become interested in the pictures, they are more likely to check out your brand. Remember not to put too many words or people will find it hard to understand. If you have a solo brand, you can think of putting up a headshot.

Don’t forget about video content marketing.

Some marketers focus too much on Facebook live that they do not realize that creating the usual videos are important too. It is actually expected that people will love videos more than they will ever love different media content. Through videos, people just need to watch for a short period of time. Videos usually encourage fans to learn more and they feel that they are not making too much effort in the process. Make sure that your videos are engaging so that they will continue watching.

Your image sizes will matter.

You need to make an effort to know the image sizes that you need so that the design and the formatting of the pages can be done easily. You need to know the image size that you are going to use so that it will blend seamlessly with what Facebook requires. You need to know if your page loads properly not only on people’s laptops but also on their phones. Remember that most users now are on their phones most of the time.

Double-dip your content.

There are some marketers who assume that just because they have already released that content before, they would not be able to use it anymore. The truth is that you can always double-dip your content as long as you would do it in style. For example, the first time that you have shared your content is through a link. This is exactly what brands like Buzzfeed and Merphal are doing to create social media content for their audiences. You can make your content into a video that you will share next time. If your content is good, you need to make other people see it. There are always different things that you can do to make this possible.

Take note of your analytics.

Your social analytics will always be important. This will provide you with an idea regarding what content people want to view the most. You can also see which posts have gotten a lot of clicks and which one will provide you with the type of engagement that you are searching for. If you think that there are no changes that are happening, this is a sign that you may need to make some changes so that your analytics will also change.

Always know who your target audience is.

How are you going to come up with a good marketing plan when you do not even know who your audience is? Check out your brand and all of the products and services that you can offer. Do you think that working moms like your products more than single women? You need to know so that you can optimize various things about your brand that will make you more appealing to your target audience.

Check out different ad formats.

The ad-platform of Facebook is already known to a lot of marketers. They know that if they do it correctly, they would get the right results. You can try to learn more about this by using Facebook’s ad creator. It is true that there was a time when the ad format is not working that well but right now, it has greatly improved. You can make use of it now and not have any regrets.

Response Time

One of the things that will make customers choose you over all the other brands is how fast you are going to respond to them. Remember that brands will always have high expectations so make sure that the questions and concerns that they may have can be answered immediately. If people are going to follow your Facebook Page and expect to have customer support and chat features on it, they are going to want to see fast response times as well. Most people would expect brands to respond to them within four hours.

Know when you should post.

You need to know the right time to post the new advertisements that you will post. What if you post and you do not get enough responses? It might be because your target market is still sleeping or they are busy. Most people know that in order to get a lot of responses, they would need to post on weekdays. The best thing about this is that you can also improve your content output so that you can come up with content that your audience will actually like.

Think about content distribution.

One of the mistakes that some marketers make is sharing just links on their Facebook accounts. If you truly want something that works, you would have to check out the different types of content that you can post. It will surely make your customers want to see more because you know that you will be posting different things at different times.

Create a good cover photo.

You may not realize it yet but your cover photo will also be one of the things that you can focus on so that you can market your product properly. You need to have a cover photo that your customers would love so that they will become more interested in what you have to offer. You can change your cover photo depending on the event that you are promoting.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Page Efforts

There are so many things that you can do to market your product properly but think about all of the tips that are mentioned above just to be sure.

One last tip that we recommend is for you to keep an eye on your competition and see what type of content they are posting to their FB pages. Whenever you see any new content that is gaining traction, be sure to create similar content for your audience.

To find the most success with your Facebook Pages and marketing efforts, be sure to consider and implement each of the methods mentioned above.

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