Cute Supplies That Will Help Kids In The Classroom

Some kids are naturally neat and organized, while others are more chaotic when it comes to their backpacks. They have a collection of crinkled papers, unsharpened pencils and loose paperclips sitting at the bottom of their bag. Encourage them to be tidy and prepared for the challenges of the classroom by making them these cute school supplies.

  1. Pencil Case

For those who can crochet, you can go to Yarnspirations to find an excellent pattern for an alligator pencil case. The bag will organize all of their necessary supplies like pencils, pens, glue sticks, highlighters, markers, white-out, scissors and sticky notes. You can get the easy pattern from the website without spending a single penny. This project asks for you to use one ball of hot green and another of white yarn to make a realistic reptile. The website has a huge selection of yarn to choose from so you can be more imaginative with the look of your kid’s animal pencil case, picking out fun and unexpected shades like hot pink, blueberry, sea breeze or tangerine.


Your kid folds over pages to keep their place in books, and their teachers and librarians are not fond of this habit. Dissuade them from dog-earing their pages and wearing down spines by making them DIY corner bookmarks using squares of origami paper — these will stop the pages from getting damaged and save you from buying a replacement at the end of the school year. You can design them to look like adorable monster faces by using scissors, glue and decorations like googly eyes and felt horns. For preteens, you can craft ones with motivational messages to give them a necessary confidence boost on a hectic day. To make these special handmade bookmarks you will need high-quality patterned paper, scissors, glue, laminator sheets, stickers, a hole-puncher and yarn — if you did the crochet pencil case, you can use any of the leftover colors to make tassels.

  1. Locker Organizers

Students can treat their lockers like trash cans, where they cram things for months until there is no space left. You can get them to use it as a convenient storage space by making them DIY locker organizers to decorate the plain metallic doors — they will also keep the area clutter-free and help your kid be the best student they can possibly be. Think of crafting a metallic clipboard to display their class schedule and monthly calendar, sectional bins to place their textbooks or a tote to shove their dirty gym clothes inside.

Your kid won’t do as well in the classroom when they can never find their pencils before pop quizzes or when their textbooks are buried underneath layers of junk in their locker. Having these organizational crafts on hand will guarantee that they are prepared for any school activity. Whether they have to do a test in History, finish up a reading for their book report in English or play soccer during gym class, they will be ready.

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