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As a business owner, S R Buzzi thinks one of the smartest decisions you can make is to perform risk analysis on your business on a semi-regular basis. What is risk analysis and how can it benefit your business? Risk analysis refers to the process of analyzing potential threats to your business. Risks can vary greatly and include security risks and financial risks to your business. types of business risks which are well worth identifying: 1. Financial risks One of the most important types of risks to identify are financial

In the past few years, ShiftPixy believes there has been an increase in the percentage of part time jobs which are advertised. Why are more businesses choosing to hire part time employees than ever before? Simply continue reading to discover some of the key factors behind the increase in popularity of part time jobs. Some of the key factors behind the growth in part time work: 1. There are a greater number of small businesses in operation who have a high demand for part time employees In the past, most

As a business owner, you’re probably familiar with the term “big data.” No, it’s not data written/printed on huge paper or fliers, but rather it is the large volume of data (from unstructured and structured resources) inundating a business day in and day out. The amount of big data your organization receives isn’t nearly as important as how you are utilizing the big data to improve your business standing. Steven Scott Bayesian believes relying on big data, businesses can analyze insights allowing them to make better and more streamlined decisions, in

If you’re considering whether to purchase a traditional alarm clock or whether to rely on your smartphone, in order to wake you up each morning, continue reading to discover 5 reasons why you should opt for a reliable alarm clock over a smartphone alarm and how doing so can make you more successful and productive with your day. 5 Reasons why you should use a traditional alarm clock over a smartphone alarm clock: Your smartphone may run out of battery During the early hours of the morning you currently use

Hitting your sales lead target is no mean feat. Only 17% of companies globally will meet their sales lead targets in 2017, even though nearly 80% have engaged in multi-channel lead generation campaigns. Lead generation is the biggest marketing challenge facing organizations of all sizes. Sales quotas are on the rise. In fact, they’re up 33% over the last four years, while the number of sales representatives who have missed their quotas is up 25%. That means that only half of all sales representatives are making their quotas. When that

Hong Kong is a bustling, dynamic city that has long been a major player in the financial and business world. Being the world’s freest economy, it recently beat Singapore as the world’s most competitive economy.  It’s also the 7th most digitally competitive market in the world which makes it an ideal environment for remote working. Virtual offices are fast becoming the office of the future, replacing brick and mortar offices you can utilise their benefits to get started in the Hong Kong marketplace. Visit to learn more about the

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