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A lot of apps come and go due to the market being so saturated so there are always new up and coming apps for smartphone users to try out. Smartphones have become very popular for people to use when it comes to entertainment through different apps. There are a lot of gaming and entertainment apps that are by far the most popular apps for smartphone users around the world. Gaming and entertainment apps have always been trending and look set to stay trending for years to come with more people

Have you ever noticed that everyone seems to have the same phone these days? Ever put your phone down and gone to pick it back up again only to find someone else’s kids staring back at you from your lock screen and realised that that’s not your phone? Well, we’ve got a solution for you: customisation. Customising your phone may feel very early noughties but adding a bit of personalisation to your phone can help to make sure you always pick up the right one. So, after you’ve upgraded your

Big Tech needs engineers, not just those with a Computer Science degree from a top university. They’re also looking for expertise in Hadoop and NoSQL technologies, knowledge of open source languages like Java, Python or PHP, and Ruby on Rails, as well as Big Data experience – likely the hottest skillset to have right now – and students with those skills will be in high demand. Institutions like San Francisco Bay University can set you up for success and guide you through the maze of learning by doing so that

Software development never stands still and some trends are set to change the game entirely Shifting societal and technological needs are constantly driving (and in many instances, are driven by) changes in software development. Whether it’s a global pandemic, global warming or simply the quest for greater convenience and productivity within the business landscape, the first port of call for innovation lies in finding digital solutions to real-world problems and challenges. Many businesses are embracing the accelerated evolution of digitalisation, but the sheer scope of the landscape can still be

When dealing with server rooms, system administrators should do a great job to allocate all the devices and supplementary parts effectively and ergonomically to ensure their proper functioning. A PC is one of the key elements of a computing system; it is the brain of a data center. Thus, it is necessary to pay particular attention to its accommodation. Usually, computers are placed on desks (or even under them). But this is not the best case for the data center. A skilled system administrator prefers to rackmount the device and

Are you an entrepreneur that wants a mobile app designed for your mobile or eCommerce platform? Is your business built around a mobile app that needs to scale? Perhaps you want to create a web app because your employees want to access the core of your business from their mobile devices, or your website isn’t as effective as it could be. Taking all of these factors into account will help you decide if you should engage in mobile and web app development now or later. Advantages There are various advantages

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