It’s common to lose the excitement in a long-term relationship. But you can reignite the fire! Here’s how to get the spark back in your relationship.

Overhead close up of young couple lying in bed together. Romantic couple in love looking at each other.
Struggling on how to get the spark back into your relationship? Too often couples sacrifice fiery passion for practicality. The reality is much different than what you might be thinking.
While facing the ups-and-downs of everyday life, you can still have fairy-tale romance. You can still have the relationship of your dreams. We’re here to guide you along the path of reigniting the fire in your relationship.
Grab a pen and pad, we’re going to divulge the secrets to getting back that special spark!
Recognize the Signs
Before we delve into how to bring back the spark in a relationship, let’s talk about the ‘red flags’ to look for. You can’t fix something that’s not broken, but what are the symptoms of a rocky relationship. The truth is, it may not be obvious.
Don’t miss when your relationship is amiss for not noticing the subtle changes. Here’s what to look for:
- Do they still ask for your opinion?
- When they speak of the future, do they mention you?
- Are they have interest in hearing about your friends, family, or day-to-day struggles?
- Are they less physical [fewer kisses, hugs, or sex]? Is sex boring?
- Do feel distrustful of your partner, or have negative feelings when they’re around?
If you can picture a future without them, then something might be wrong. Likewise, if you feel sad returning home to the ‘love of their life’ instead of happy, something’s wrong. Don’t worry quite yet, though–this doesn’t mean it’s too late.
Plenty of relationships experience arguments. In fact, respectful arguing every once in a while can be a healthy sign of boundary setting.
Secret #1 on How to Get the Spark Back: Communicate
We’ve all the heard that the key to success in any relationship is communication. Well, it’s no joke. Communicating your needs is vital for both partners to feel fulfilled.
If you’ve been dating for a while, then you might already have a good system in play. Still, if you’ve noticed a change in your partner, take initiative. Ask them if there’s something upsetting them.
Tell them it’s safe to open up. Remember to be a good listener. It can be easy to fall into the nagging trap because we love the person we are with. We want the best for them, always.
But there is a time for only listening. Even if you don’t discover anything, you’ll feel less anxious, and you’ll get it off your chest.
Secret #2: Make the Effort, Put in the Energy
Once your partner opens up, start sharing what’s been challenging both of you. Then, you can start to make changes. Change is scary for anyone, but a stable relationship will be flexible.
Be reasonable. If you have an upset partner because you’re always slamming the door on work nights, don’t slam the door. Follow your intuition, and be sure that you both feel taken care of.
Another important aspect of changing is putting in the time and energy. You’ll both need patience to grow together.
Here are some things that may help:
- Traveling, have more adventures together
- Choose a date night
- Break out of the routine and bring back the spontaneity
Traveling lets you build more great memories with each other. Also, designating a date night will help couples with busy schedules. This ensures you always make time for each other.
Being spontaneous is fantastic for couples that have become bored with everyday life. Breaking out of the mundane will spice up the romance, and bring your closer together.
Secret #3: Be In-Touch With Your Body
You can’t be happy in a relationship if you are ignoring your own needs. Stay in tune with your body, mind, and intuition. Doing this will help you gauge the problems you’re having in your relationship.
Here’s an example:
You notice your arms and legs cross when your partner when you share an interest with your partner. That’s because last week you told them a story and they laughed. This hurt your feelings, and since then you’ve become hesitant every time you speak to them.
Your partner may not even realize they hurt your feelings. Again, communication comes into play. Feel what your body is telling you, then work to give it what it needs through self-expression. Be fair, and do the same for your partner.
Secret #4: Sex
Physical contact and sex are super important elements of a romantic relationship. To refresh your sex life, try something new. You can:
- Try safe role-playing
- Switch up time and place
- Experiment with new positions
Keep the physical heat alive by kissing and hugging. Don’t give up on these little shows of affections. They carry great power, and you don’t want to lose that affectionate energy.
On another note, we understand that life can disrupt our sex lives. A series of events could cause issues, such as car accidents, illness, or dysfunction. If you have a male partner struggling with sexual functions, you may suggest they buy Cialis.
Seek out solutions. Strong relationships can overcome any barrier.
Secret: #5 Try out Relationship Coaching or Marriage Counseling
Relationship coaching may be a great solution for struggling couples. Coaching or marriage counseling is nothing to hide or feel embarrassed about. Many couples seek help when they’ve hit a rough patch.
That’s where coaching and counseling can make a real difference. In therapy, you’ll be able to work out the kinks that have been holding you back. It’ll also offer you both a new perspective.
As well as, healthier ways of dealing with everyday issues. This is especially helpful for couples that are unsure of their issues.
Stop Wondering and Start Living
Stop wondering how to get the spark back in your relationship and start doing! You can kick-start your journey back to each other with a little travel. Travel is the best way to stir up change.
With the holiday’s coming up, here are the top five places you should visit on New Year’s Eve. Remember to have fun, be open, and speak up!