The banjo is an instrument that’s not for everyone, much like the piano, guitar, or drums. But you have to try it out first in order to really be sure whether it’s the instrument for you – or not. One thing can be said about the banjo, however – it’s a lot of fun to play, and if you become good at it, you’ll enjoy playing the instrument and finding different ways of playing it for years to come. With a banjo, you will never be bored. But learning to

For some people, saving energy is all about saving money, while for others it stems from a deep-seated need to protect the world in which we live. Regardless, saving energy will save you money, but sometimes there has to be an investment up front. For example, if your dishwasher came in with the arc, it’s probably time to replace it with a new, super-duper energy saving one. But there are other ways to save on energy that aren’t quite as obvious. Things That Just Aren’t Obvious Placing a source of

Anyone undergoing financial distress in their business knows that it can be an all consuming agony which interferes with every aspect of your business and personal life. Sleep, family, and health issues can be a direct result of the stress stemming from worrying about the financial stability of your company and how you are going to cover the next payroll payment. Cash flow problems is one of the major reasons about sixty percent of businesses flounder in the first three years of operation. If your business is struggling you will

  A recent survey conducted in the US found that that 81% of respondents consider the printer to be the most important office tool. Many businesses however, also spend more money than they need to on printing, purely due to outdated printing practices and equipment. Keeping your business’ printing setup updated with HP 61 ink, is therefore vital in order to control costs and maximise the efficiency of your office equipment and processes. Out with the old and in with the new. It’s time to revolutionise your office and increase

The life of an entrepreneur sure is tough. You need to play every role at your company from CEO to janitor depending on what is needed that hour and be prepared to both give credit for what good happens to others, and take direct responsibility for what goes wrong. However it can also be the most rewarding experience when you have your ideas, products and services become successful and sell to the world or just your little town. In other words being an entrepreneur can produce the best and worst

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