Top 5 Things Employees Want in Their Office (But Won’t Ask for Outright)

It’s not your job to create a dream office for your employees, but it doesn’t hurt to try! Read on to learn 5 things employees want in their office.

A shocking poll has revealed that 85% of people worldwide hate their job. If you’re among the majority of discontented workers, perhaps this figure isn’t surprising.

There are tons of reasons why people aren’t happy with their career. If you’re someone who is trying to run a successful business, keeping your employees happy should be a priority.

This article is going to introduce you to 5 awesome features that can turn your workplace into everyone’s dream office.

1. A Comfortable Chair

When you’re the boss, you get to have a private office with cushy furniture. You can get a lot of work done in a quiet, cozy space.

Other workers may have to deal with phones ringing off the hook, loud office machines, and stiff chairs. This kind of office environment leads to sloppy work, decreased morale, and back pain.

A simple swap in chairs can make a world of a difference. Supplying all of your employees with soft chairs that have good lumbar support can help everyone concentrate on doing their job well.

2. Coffee Service

Most offices have a coffee pot, but not many people actually use it. No one wants to be bothered with brewing a new pot. By the end of the day, whatever coffee is left inside turns to sludge.

Caffeinating your workers with a coffee delivery service is one of the best business investments an employer could make. Each employee can have their coffee prepared how they like it. This small treat is something that everyone can look forward to in the morning.

A water service is also helpful for anyone who isn’t a fan of coffee. Ensuring that everyone stays hydrated will lead to sharper minds and improved work.

3. Relaxed Office Design

The majority of American workers are trapped inside a stuffy, poorly-lit room for 9 hours a day. This claustrophobic environment can wreak havoc on their health.

Great office design ideas include large windows for natural lighting, vibrant paintings to breathe new life into the workspace, and live plants to increase the amount of oxygen in the room.

4. A Gym

Nobody likes paying exorbitant gym membership fees. By the end of a long workday, finding the motivation or time to drive across town to workout feels impossible.

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to increase mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Although it’s an investment to build a gym in the office building or offer free memberships, everyone will benefit.

Exercise boosts productivity by pumping more oxygen throughout the body. It can also be a great stress reliever and it’s a fun way to break the monotony of a long workday.

5. A Dream Office Has Access to Great Food

Food makes everyone happy. It’s a basic human comfort. Without tasty food nearby, everyone will be grumpy.

Where you rent your office space could play a huge role in employee satisfaction. If workers have easy access to a wide range of foods, they’ll feel more comfortable. If you really want to be everyone’s hero, an occasional catered lunch could make Mondays feel like paradise.

Hungry for More Lifestyle Tips?

Are there any other features that would be in your dream office? If you want to learn more tips for living your happiest life, Sweet Captcha has you covered.

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