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Seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD, is a condition that affects about 4 to 6 percent of Americans every year. Although some people are forced to deal with it at other times, the majority of them experience SAD in the wintertime. Depression is the most common symptom associated with SAD. But those who are diagnosed with SAD often experience everything from a change in appetite and weight gain to fatigue and anti-social behavior as well. There is, unfortunately, no surefire cure for sadness when it comes to SAD. But there are

There are around 9.2 million heroin users on Earth. Help your loved one start their heroin recovery before it’s too late. Around 13.5 million people are addicted to opiates around the world. However, heroin addiction accounts for the bulk of this number. The longer someone does heroin, the more likely they are to overdose. Here’s how you can talk to a loved one about seeking heroin addiction help: Talk About the Need for Heroin Recovery You have to have a serious talk about heroin. Please be aware that your talk alone might not

4 Smart Startup Steps to Get Your New Business off the Ground Thinking of starting a new business? These smart startup steps will help you get your new venture up, going, and noticed. So, you’ve got a killer idea for a startup business. That’s fantastic, but if you want your idea to grow legs you have to some dedicated work. There’s significant research and planning needed for your business to succeed. Not only do you have to get started, you have to get noticed. We’ve compiled a list of four

Starting a business to become wealthy sounds perfectly acceptable, but there’s a catch. When you launch a business primarily to make money, you’ll make choices that align with your bottom line. When profits are your priority, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s best for your customers and employees. You also might miss opportunities that don’t pay off in dollars. While getting wealthy is a worthwhile pursuit, and the folks on Shark Tank are proof of that, here are four reasons not to make wealth your primary reason for running

If you pay attention to astrology, you may have heard in the last few years that there’s a new zodiac in town. Somewhere north of 80 percent of people are a different zodiac sign than they’ve believed all their life. And now there are somehow thirteen signs instead of twelve? The astrology world has been in uproar over this supposed new system for the last few years. If you’re worried you may be part of that 80 percent or you want to learn more about this new zodiac symbol, read

The undisputed king of the robot cleaners is the Roomba vacuum. But how does a Roomba actually work? We take a closer look. The average American spends 3 hours and 9 minutes on household chores every day. At least part of those activities includes vacuuming. This has translated to over $4,000 million in revenue for vacuum cleaner companies in 2018. If you live in a house, chances are you own a vacuum cleaner. And you’re not crazy about vacuuming all the time. If you like a clean home, but you

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